
Contents of Book “Ley Lines and Earth Energies”

This page is devoted to explaining the contents of my book, but here I show some of the pictures and illustrations in colour and more recent discoveries.

From the top right hand corner of illustration below a single cup-marked Ley Line travels down to this six-stone circle at Killin, Perthshire, Scotland, into the stone circle and is attracted up and over the hill to Loch Larig Eala. Then down the modern road to Balquhidder church and burial ground and up over the hill to Lochan Eireanaich to a standing stone, on to the stone circle for another circuit.

  It is then captured by a modern electric pylon, back to the stone circle for its third circuit, around Loch Doine and Loch Voil, up to the third lochan again to the pylon and finally to the stone circle, exiting between two stones. In essence the circle warps a single energy stream across country in three circuits to focus on two burial grounds. This is a form of ley line, but roughly circular.

Stone circle, how it works

The cup-marked stone on top of the Highland Boundary Fault (top right) has over 60 well-worn cup marks pecked on its surface. The most noticeable one is in the shape of a dumb bell. It represents a map of the cup-mark energy circuits across the country. In the case of the maps below, one shows all the burial grounds, the other, some of the sacred sites.   

This is the first time the mystery of the petroglyphs has been published

The energy from the cup-marked boulder (red arrow, bottom right)  is attracted to bodies of water, like lochs (lakes) which the builders used to attract the energy over hills.

Notice that the coils of energy are wide apart to begin with, but are much closer at the outer (working) edge.

Map of lochs on cup-mark energy field

It is attracted to resonant cavities, empty drums, sheep skulls, etc., but has been used to attract this energy into the mouth of the Druid’s Cave (below)  This is comprised of five boulders with interstices at the back, which allow the cup-mark energy to propagate across much of Western Perthshire.

The main purpose is to focus this energy through ancient burial grounds (below).

Druids Cave
Map of ley lines in Perthshire
Burial grounds on a ley line in Perthshire

Some of the ancient sites on these circuits.


It has “sympathetic resonance” which means if it happens to contact the outer “wave shape” of an object which can resonate, like the skull of a dead animal it will then be attracted into its centre, then actively seek out other skulls in its sphere of influence. 

  It is attracted to powerful resonant cavities like the Druid’s Cave.

A sheeps skull attracts a ley line
Dundurn church with spirals of energy from graves which may cause ill health.

Dundurn burial ground, or St. Fillan’s Chapel.  This cup-marked stone, bottom left, emits two waves of energy into the church, one through Saint Fillan’s grave. The Celtic cross was originally made of wood and could be adjusted to accurately find the azimuth and vector of any celestial object (after Crichton Millar).

Cup marked stone Dundurn, St. Fillans.

People still leave votive offerings in the deep cup marks on this stone.

Pulpit Rock or Chair of St. Filan the leper or stammerer where he preached up and down the beutiful glen of Strathearn.

Serpent or "Crocodile" of St. Fillans
Saint Fillans pulpit or chair

Above: the Serpent of St. Fillan’s. erroneously called “The Crocodile”

The Praying Hands of Mary in Glenlyon

praying Hands of Mary Glen Lyon
The Jersey Devil, one legged beast which hops all over the country.

The Jersey Devil, a one-legged “demon” hopping “impossibly” across rivers, churches and ravines seen here bouncing over ice-covered snow may be a form of Earthquake energy.

Contents of Book “Ley Lines and Earth Energies”

Straight leys acting as “magnetic bottles” to form other more important ley energies.
How ley lines work and integrate with standing stones, circles and burial grounds;
How to build a major ley line across country, using natural telluric energy from standing stones, volcanic anomalies, cup marked stones, etc., on which to place dwellings, burial grounds and ancient towns;
The “Electric Brae” a road which seems to defy the laws of gravity;
The ghost of a woman in a castle on a ley line;

Using a divining rod to find a tunnel below a castle dungeon used to dispose of the bodies of clansmen;
How to find ley line energy by using the ancient art of divining or “water witching”;
How to increase the energy down a ley line;
Concave shapes and their uses by Man from Megalithic ages onwards to focus natural energy from the planet through burial grounds;
The role of cup-marked stones (Rock Art or Petroglyphs) on Volcanic plugs (Stirling, Edinburgh and Dumbarton castles are built on these). They radiate telluric energies in streams on which our ancestors built their tiny burial grounds. These are always situated on the crossing points from several such geological anomalies and on a special type of ley line;
An ancient town built on a star-shaped earth energy pattern;
Wells that hiss, moan, and emit light;
Mount Rainier, the most dangerous volcano in the USA;
   A brain scan (EEG) of a person with Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome taken in a “safe place” on the planet’s geopathic field and also in their bed above a geopathic stress anomaly, showing major changes;
Physical effects above geological anomalies;
How to follow fault lines and lava dykes and measure their energies with divining rods;
   Jackson, Mississippi, USA, a town built on a volcanic dome; 
   The peculiar effects of some types of ley lines – their ability to tune into resonant cavities, new graves, and other previously unknown effects – also their “sympathetic resonance”- after touching an object it seeks out similar objects in its vicinity;
   Earthquake noises;
   Ghostly lights follow boats carrying coffins on Loch Tay;
   Ardachie House, hauntings and other auditory effects from natural energies – no ghosts!;
   Lady sees “houses of golden crystals” in Scottish glen;
   Woman savagely raped by invisible demons in Edinburgh. Another wife and husband also attacked;
   Ghostly cars, trains and a poltergeist in a shop spanning 40 years;
   Poltergeist effects and possible causes;
   Spontaneous water appearing from nowhere;
   Green globes of light appearing in lake.

   Ley Line map across Scotland and Northern England.

 The purpose of stone circles.

 How to protect your house from unhealthy energies  Post Viral Fatigue syndrome  and other forms of ill-health in the planet’s geopathic field.


Edinburgh Castle on its volcanic plug.


Edinburgh castle

The “Electric Brae”, where cars have to change down gear to go “downhill”

Electric Breae, Scotland

The rocking Stone of Glen Tarken, St. Fillans.

The Rocking Stone of Glen Tarken

Using a CD player to amplify the Energies from a Standing Stone

Waves of energy from a standing stone, normal
Normal Wavelength
Standing stone with CD player at 528 Nz
480 Hertz

Top, the normal wavelength from a standing stone, about 2 metres,

  Above right with a CD player playing at 480 Hz.

  Below: playing AC/DC rock music disrupts the entire system for some time

ac/dc rock music played on standing stone
Book on Ley Lines and Earth Energies

My book on Ley Lines and Earth Energies, with Anne Silk. 

Click here for Amazon.


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