Clearing Spirit Energy from Graveyards on Ley Lines

Many years ago I found this boulder with two deep cup marks at Dundurn church near St. Fillans, Perthshire, Scotland, with Saint Fillan the stammerer or leper buried inside the chapel, showing its surrounding burial ground and cup-marked stone.
    People still come here to visit and leave an offering inside the two deep cup marks.

   These cup-marked stones in burial grounds attract energies from the burials and this knowledge can be used for Clearing Graveyard Spirits

Dundurn church, St. Fillans
this cup marked stone sits in Fortingall church burial ground.

Another cup marked stone I discovered, this one is in the annexe of Fortingall church, Perthshire. I noticed that its main roof ridge is aligned to the centre of Croftmoraig stone circle below). with its outer roof ridges encompassing the entire site (the line appears crooked as it passes over a small hill).

Croftmoraig stone circle, Perthshire.

Church ley from Fortingall church to Croftmorig stone circle.

Fortingall church, Scotland, with its roof ridge aliignd to Croftmoraig stone circle
Energies from a burial ground.

Above: Burials in any graveyard emit a double spiral of energy to the surface, one positive or healthy, the opposite negative or unhealthy. This is an illustration of a burial ground placed above the Highland Boundary Fault. Notice, top left, how the positive and negative lines, originally separate, eventually find each other and are then emitted as a double wave.
  The first time I tried to follow the unhealthy wave from the grave of a lady I knew, it took me a mile down a country road, close to a high wall. I stumbled down the entire length on the rough ground until it entered a wooden door next to her old cottage. Unable to enter private property, I gave up. 

 A few days later I received a telephone call from the owner who had now taken possession. She asked me if I wanted to complete my work. Behind the door (a weak point these energies favour) I followed the unhealthy energy up the stair and into a bedroom, finishing in her bed space. The spiral from the grave, in effect, ended with a spiral of energy in the deceased’s bed.

Unhealthy Waves Attracted to Deceased's Bed

After years of research I found that these unhealthy waves not only travel back to where the deceased had lived, but also to any other individual they are attracted to, especially when they are asleep. 
   Video below shows how these “spirit lines” are attracted into resonant cavities and even to people.

Cup marked boulders are usually (always?) placed above geological faults. They pick up this energy and transmit it across country as circles of energy around ancient sites, as a protective shield. 

Clearing Unhealthy Spirits and Earth Energies

Pipe to attract unhealthy energies

There are many ways of eliminating this spirit energy, not many suc-cessfully. I have discovered that the unhealthy “black” waves from graves are attracted into cavities and can be dumped back into the ground.

 A down rhone pipe from a building, about 3 feet high dug into the ground by 2 feet works best. Alternatively, scaffolding pipes in bundles of, say, four, can be used, outside the building, preferably at the four corners if possible. 

Cup marked stone to dump unhealthy energies back into the planet

Alternatively, you can use the method our ancestors used – a cup marked stone. 

  Take an easily carved stone and hammer a depression in it, preferably in sunshine. The ring around it is to show that it is a special stone and not to be moved. 

I have placed a stone like this in each of the burial grounds around Crieff and it does attract all of the unhealthy energies even in a large cemetery.