Below: a simple divining rod made from a length of wire.

Coloured white to find healthy energy, or black to find unhealthy energy. This is dowsing usually used to find underground water, but can equally be used to find and follow ley line energy.

How to hold a divining rod
Waves of energy from a standing stone, normal

Pipes emit energy which can also be easily found. The amplitude is the same as half of the width of the pipe.

wave from pipe


The heavily cup-marked stone at Connachan Farm. Foulford Inn behind.

The Cup-marks on the Boulder. Notice the dumb-bell shape at the foot

petroglyphs on boulder

Placed above the Highland Boundary Fault and using its energy, the cup-marked stone emits a spiral of energy the same width as the fault, which then spirals around a small mound in the distance, then back to the boulder as a circuit.

Cup marfked stone at Connachan Farm, Crieff.
cup marked stone on top of Highland Boundary Fault.
map of ley lines from foulford Inn stone
Maps of energy from cup marked stone on top of Highland Boundary Fault.
Burial grounds re plaed over the energies from the cup marked stone.

Above; Top: The energy from the cup mark on the Connachan stone is attracted to Loch Tay, then north to a six-stone circle which transmits it in a series of circuits over much of Perthshire, in a similar shape to the dumb-bell cup mark.

Above: below: The purpose of this cup marked boulder is to transmit energy through ancient burial grunds. It has some very unusual features compared to the energy leys from standing stones.

Below: Praying Hands of Mary, aligned to Croftmoraig stone circle.

praying Hands of Mary Glen Lyon
Bhacain standing stone Glen Lyon

Above: the Bhacain standing stone, where the warrior Fionn MacCumhail tethered his hunting dogs.

serpent of St. fillans

Above: the Serpent of St. Fillans, with its body aligned to the cup-mark ley.

Waves of energy from a standing stone, normal

How to Use a Divining Rod to Find Ley Energy

You have to keep moving when you tune into this type of energy.
Make sure that the divining rods swing freely in their holders or your hands.
   Once you become proficient, you can use the wire/s in your bare hands, which give a better feel.   Keep the points slightly down – if they are higher than horizontal they will swing uncontrollably, if they are too low they will be at their most insensitive position – use this in a high wind once you are proficient.
Give the rods a brisk rub with your free hand which will make them more sensitive.
Holding a small stone in your free hand will make you focus your mind into the fact that you are looking for the energy from a standing stone.
When you have a little more experience try using just one divining rod in your free hand – after all, you are looking for just one wave from the stone.
 Colouring the Rods Will Help You to Find Healthy or Unhealthy Energy, Underground Faults or Water
Colouring the rod/s will help you separate out the different types of energies – try using a white divining rod to pick out the healthy waves, and black to sort out the unhealthy ones, blue to find the subterranean water which is beneath almost every standing stone – the colours will help you tune your mind like a radio receiver – this is not magic 
To find what a wave is connected to you will have to follow it to its target. It may take many miles but you will find many interesting things on the way – a fascinating series of discoveries at your fingertips. This is the way our ancestors manipulated these natural energies to build their ancient and strange (to us) culture and it will only be rediscovered by using divining rods.

Above: cats love to stay in black spirals, also snakes and ants.

Black spiral in a bed attracts energy from people
We all emit electromagnetic energy and it can be found easily with a divining rod. Illustration shows the energy from a  person attracted into a black spiral in a bed.