The City Prices shop, in Crieff, Perthshire, Scotland, has had a long history of poltergeist dis-turbances, which isn’t surprising, as it is placed next to an 800-year-old graveyard and above an under-ground stream, apart from having a straight ley line running through it from a stone circle at Balmuick, near Comrie up the High Street, part of a right-angled triangle of ley lines through this town, with the Sun shining up King Street on the Winter equinox.

Poltergeist in shop

City Prices shop, Crieff, Scotland.

Below: the Crieff High Street on a ley line between a 4-stone circle and Dunning church.

Poltergeist on right-angled triangle of ley lines
Sun setting at the foot of King Street, Crieff, scotland, on the Winterr soldtice.

Above:the setting Sun shines up King Street on the Winter solstice

Brefordie stone circle near Comrie

Aboe: the remains of a 4-stone circle near Balmuick, Comrie.

Dunning church

Dunning church, where Saint Serf slew a “dragon” (unhealthy Earth Energies).

Thirty years of research into the structure of ley lines (energy leys) in Scotland has made me aware of several factors, not the least being that our ancestors, several thousand years ago, and until quite recently, had a deep understanding of the subtle energies that our planet emits, including poltergeists and ghosts.
    Four-stone circles, cup-marked stones, and many ancient burial-grounds, for instance, were carefully placed above volcanic faults, and plutons (volcanoes which didn’t quite reach the surface like the one Balmuick stone circle sits upon) to make use of the massive amounts of energy emitted from such features. Individual standing stones were situated above crossing underground streams or geological fissures  to add their quota of energy to a ley.
   But it was whilst researching the strange occurrences in a local shop in Crieff, Scotland, that I stumbled upon something, which even to me, after decades of working with the strangest of energies, seemed quite bizarre.
  This shop had, over some forty years, poltergeist experiences of various types, which did not surprise me at all, as it had been built over a subterranean stream and was adjacent to the local church and burial ground, some 800 years old.
   One side of the shop in particular had poltergeist disturbances, spray cans and other items displaced and vanishing after the owner had replaced the bought items, and clothes beneath them flung around in disarray. Using my divining rod I discovered that a 5 inch wide beam came through the window and curved around to this area, and into the wall.

A Psychic Investigator

A few weeks later, Archie Lawrie, then psychic investigator for Scotland, took his medium Francesca into the shop. As always, she had no idea where she was going and was simply driven the 40 miles from her home into the shop and asked what she could psychically “see”.

  She walked around the premises, and stopped just inside the centre of the window, just where I found the beam of energy, and said she could see “a little old man come through the window, turn to the left, open a door and go up a flight of stairs”. The owner was stunned at this, as he was the only one who knew that there was a door there, leading to the flat upstairs.
  I realized that she was tuning in to the same energy with her mind as I was with my divining rod, so late one night I picked up the energy outside the shop and followed it round into the ancient burial-ground behind the shop, where it spiralled into one of the many graves there, almost as if, perhaps a century later, his spirit perpetually followed the route he had taken in life, as he was, according to the medium, the caretaker of the premises when it was an Inn, and he was walking through the archway (now the glass window front of the shop) closing the gate every night at the same time, then opening the door to his flat and walking upstairs.
  This led me to investigate the other graves in this cemetery, to find that each one had a double spiral of energy emitted from it, one clockwise in plan view, which responded only to my black divining rod (unhealthy or negative) and one anti-clockwise, which responded to my white divining rod (healthy or positive).
  This intriguing work led me to do further research, and briefly, what I discovered was that the two spirals of opposite sign traversed the country, initially wandering haphazardly around, due to interference of the other “spirit lines” before joining up with its opposite partner, then settling down into a three-metre long wave, or beam, 5 inches wide. The strange thing about these waves is that they travelled back to the places where the occupants of the graves lived, usually seeking their beds, or favourite armchair.”

Energies Above an Underground Stream

A house above an underground stream is subject to several different types of natural energy. Here you can see a spiral of energy rising to the surface. From the right a ley line, comprised of vertical waves of energy is automatically attracted into the centre of the spiral, making a number of “hot spots” down its length. Wave effect of about 2 metres (not shown for clarity).

  If the underground stream is polluted it will attract a “black” ley line, if healthy water, it will attract a healthy ley line. 

  If the energy is unhealthy it will impact the health of any person living there, especially if his or her bed is above the centre of the spiral. The spiral can travel up through many floors of a building.

House above a black stream

  A friend who specialises in removing spirits, “tuned in” to the area and, to my amazement, cleared most of the black spirals from the burial ground as you can see here, except, strangely, the spirals close to the walls of the burial ground. Another puzzling feature, I noticed, is that there are no black spirals leading to the door of the church (below).

  Unfortunately, after a few days they returned.

The burial ground showing the black spirals from the graves. Notice the clear path to the church door.

St. Michaels church, Crieff, with spirals
Black spirals of energy from graves removed

After being cleared by a psychic.

There are many underground streams in Crieff, and, of course, many apparitions and paranormal phen-omena.

  One recent incident is of an acquaintance who was walking along Comrie Road, close to the Infinity Blue Dental clinic in Crieff, when he saw a man walking towards him with a dog on a leash. To his astonishment they both started to spiral into the air and vanished. 

  He was very apologetic in telling me this story, but I pointed out that there was an underground stream at that point and what may have happened was that the person probably walked along that same pavement at roughly the same time for years excercising his dog and for some reason the vision was captured by the spiral of energy — a form of hologram, and the spiral of energy from the stream captured the image.

Ochtertyre Mausoleum, above the Highland Boundary Fault

Another case I was told of by a friend is related to Ochtertyre Mauso-leum. This is the site where an imfamous massacre took place in 1490. Some 20 Murrays took refuge in the Mausoleum following a battle and the Drummonds stacked brushwood around the building and set fire to it. The Murrrays tried to escape, led by a piper, but only one survived.

  She was visiting a friend’s grave pushing her pram containing her son on a hot summer’s day. Suddenly, out of nowhere a violent wind sprang up, but only in that small area

  She was terrified when she realized that she was being pushed back and her child in the pram was being pulled into the burial ground while her dog was levitated  into the air.

  You can see here that there is a long straight road leading to the burial ground, a ley line from a standing stone a few miles away.

Road to Ochtertyre mausoleum, Crieff
Episcopal church on Ley Line in Crieff with its central ridge perfectly aligned to its burial ground some 3 kilometres away.
Concraig farm standing stone

In addition, this cemetery is on the Highland Boundary Fault and its church, some miles away, has its main roof accurately aligned (out of sight) to two corner stones of the burial ground and the Mausoleum itself. 

Seeing the Future - Twice!

I was driving along a quiet country road between Crieff and Comrie in my little home-made Mini Marcos when I had a sudden vision of a deer running across the road and jumping over a (non existent) wire fence.

  This vision was so vivid and kept repeating, until I had to slow down to a stop as it completely obscured my view.

  A few minutes later I carried on, and turned down the road which led me to the main Crieff/Comrie road.

  Just as I approached the bridge over the river a real deer ran across the road and jumped over the wire fence.

  I was astonished, to put it mildly, but convinced myself that perhaps once in a lifetime such co-incidences can occur.

  About a year later, at the same spot that I had seen the vision, I was flabbergasted when a vision of a bright ginger pig stopped me in my tracks. This one was again in technicolour, and for the second time I had to wait, astonished, in the middle of this quiet road until the vision cleared.

  Again I turned off on to the main Crieff road, and was absolutely staggered  when I came to the spot where I had previously seen the real deer, there were about  ten real ginger pigs having a feed!! They were called, I discovered later, Tamsin pigs 

  I had never, to my knowledge, ever seen or heard of this breed.

  At home, by this time fairly well versed in Earth energies, I had a look at my local geological map. As I expected, both real events had taken place on the Highland Boundary Fault, while the visions were initiated above a nearby geological discontinuity. 


But be very careful when working with these very strange energies. 

The picture below was taken after a head – on collision with a Volvo Estate at a closing speed of over 80 m.p.h.

I was paralyzed in the driver seat with a broken neck, and all I could do was squint to one side at the cup-marked stone which had been the focus of my research just 100 yards away.

Was there any connection?

Mini Marcos kit car

My fibreglass Mini Marcos kit car. 30 years old with 5 replacement engines and three replacement gearboxes . . . 

Mini Marcos crash

. . . and after being hit by a Volvo Estate

Left: Tamsin pigs