Driving along the Crieff/ Comrie road in Perthshire, Scotland (black circle on map), some years ago, I was suddenly confronted with the image of a deer running across the road and jumping over a fence. There was no deer, no fence, simply an image which kept repeating, becoming so vivid that I could not see the road and forced me to stop until it cleared. 

  Bewildered, I continued my journey, until a few miles later I came to the river Earn, where, to my astonishment, I saw a real deer repeating, exactly, my vision of a few minutes ago.

  A year later, at the same place, I had a repeating technicolour image of a ginger pig looking up at me. Stunned, I carried on and at the exact same place I had the first vision, there were about 10 pigs, bright ginger, feeding at the side of the road.

  I had no knowledge of pigs of this colour, but I soon found out that the local farmer had just imported them – they are called Tasmanian pigs. 

  Having researched the ley lines in this area I looked up my local geology map and found that all the incidents took place directly above the Highland Boundary Fault which transects Scotland from the north-east to the south-west, while the images occurred initially, above a discontinuity, where the basic lower old red sandstone butted against conglomerates and pebbly sandstone.

Scotland's Highland Boundary Fault
Scotland's Highland Boundary Fault
Tasmanian pigs
Tasmanian Pigs


During my years of research following the ley lines on foot with a simple divining rod, I discovered that many apparitions, time slips, some forms of ill-health and other phenomena appeared to take place above such faults it made me wonder if people who could “see” the future could have the ability above fault lines which, incidentally, emit many types of radiation: piezoelectricity, ion flow, gravity anomalies, electro-magnetic emissions, spinning electric fields, non-dipolar magnetic fields, etc.

  Scotlland has some 15 volcanic plugs, some of which have castles on top, like Stirling Castle, and Einburgh Castle which radiate energies like the spokes of a bicycle wheel, plus many fault lines. These castles were once the seats of power used by royalty, and the Highlands of this country has been renowned for centuries as having “seers,” ghosts, apparitions, faery folk, long leggity beasties and an encyclopaedia of the paranormal. 


  Volcanic plugs emit waves of energy like the spokes of a bicycle wheel. Where they cross, burial grounds could be constructed, although it is so muchmor complicated than this.


  The rectangular box at top shows the energies I walked, following these lines with a simple divining rod, before I discovered they were emitted from volcanic plugs with castles on top

Burial grounds aligned to three volcanic plugs


It has been known for centuries that cats, dogs, horses, snakes, weasels and rats and many more animals behave strangely prior to earthquakes, but humans?
   My first book, “Safe As Houses” now out of print, shows that there are a small number of people who are sensitive to these energies and predict the power and rough date as well. Some more so, like Geoffrey Allen from Dumfries-shire who attended an Art College in Edinburgh, studying to be an architect. He found that he felt extremely unwell when he attended classes there, eventually getting a special dispensation to study at home.
   He also felt unwell at various other places, and it was some time before he realized that these places were above geological fault lines, and that particular College had several terminating under it.
  Earthquakes below 6.2 on the Richter scale did not bother him, but above that he had a number of symptoms which allowed him to accurately predict earthquakes, and their power, from 10 to 14 days in advance, but, not, unfortunately, where, and inform the seismic unit in Edinburgh. They began with a feeling of a slight electrical charge around his body. When the pain spread around his back he knew that the planet’s energies were building up and there would be a major earthquake somewhere on the planet. When the pain subsided he knew that there had been an earthquake. Other symptoms were difficulty in focusing his eyes; pains down the lower arm; rheumatic feeling in his hands; tingling and burning sensation of the skin and a metallic taste in his mouth.
  In some towns he felt extremely unwell, such as Tobermory, Musselburgh and Callander which are associated with fault lines. Walking down the High Street in Callander, which has two faults terminating at the north, his symptoms were so severe that he became dizzy and thought that passers-by must think he was drunk.
  Callander is also close to “The Samson Stone” sometimes called “Logan Stones” on top of a hill on the Highland Boundary Fault at Kilmahog. Not a glacial erratic as some insist, as there is also another similar stone near Comrie also on top of the H.B.F., which makes me wonder just what our ancestors were doing with these strange monoliths, Did they transmute the unhealthy energies into beneficial streams of energy and use them for healing or even spiritual effects as these energies are always associated with churches and cathedrals?
   Geoffrey, in 1989, predicted, among many others, the Iran 7.7R ‘quake (40,000-50,000 killed); and Luzon in the Phillipines, 7.8, 1,621 killed); Oakland, California 7.1, 63 deaths, $5 billion property damage; in 1995; Kobe in Japan (7.2, 6,000 dead, $100 billion damage). He finds that standing above a geological fault or especially over a crossing of subterranean streams almost knock him off his feet. Bed mattress springs and overhead power cables make him feel dizzy, but standing in a stone circle relieves him of his symptoms.

                                        PAN AM FLIGHT 103

  On the 21st December 1988, the planet’s energies were building up and Geoffrey felt so unwell that he couldn’t even get up to wash the dishes after his evening meal, something he normally did. As he sat there, wondering if his predictions were wrong, when his house shook. Looking out of his window in Lockerbie he found the town in flames after the downing of Pan Am Flight 103. This was caused, of course, by a bomb, activated by a time switch, nothing to do with earthquakes, but one wonders how the energies he suffers from can precede the bombing of an aircraft.
   Earthquakes emit so many different frequencies. Sounds can vary, according to Pliny the Elder (a.d. 23-79) from the rumble of distant thunder to the lowing of cattle, the shouts of men and the clash of weapons, depending upon the nature of the rock which is receiving the shock. These noises have been associated with “ghostly” armies in the past.
  There can also be light effects, like ball lightning. A gamekeeper in lower Glenalmond told me that he was horrified one dark night to see lights of various colours emitted from a rock face. This is piezoelectricity. When rock, especially containing quartz, is under pressure it emits light, and can even cause a phenomenon called perseverance, where an individual can have a vision induced by previously seen images, smells and sounds which the “comparator” in the brain has assembled into a virtual image which only that person can see according to my co-author, Dr. Anne Silk.   

This is a story told to me by Bobby Vetter from Oban:
‘I had walked down Crieff’s Lady Mary’s Walk, and climbed up the path to Baird’s monument. 

  Everything was quiet at that point, just a bit of traffic on the Crieff /Comrie road. Then I walked back down from the monument and heard a clamour, like a battle.   

  Thinking it was some film re-enactment going on, I followed the path around the wood to the fringe of the field. I expected to see stalls and tents and lots of people.
  It sounded like a fair size crowd, but there was nobody there, just screams and clashing stuff. I reached the Samson’s Stone overlooking Locherlour and the noise just stopped. All I could hear were the birds. I have been back often and never had any similar experience, although the path the railway embankment takes still makes my spider senses tingle’.

    This is the same area I had my two visions. 

  Picture is of a so-called “Logan Stone” thought by some to have been left there by a receding glacier, but it, and another nearby have been carefully placed on top of the Highland Boundary Fault, both a few hundred metres from vitrified forts, which in the past have been subjected to so much heat that boulders have literally melted. 

  In my book “Ley Lines and Earth Energies” my co-author Dr. Anne Silk, states ‘I must stress that we are not looking here at the great works of nature and eruptions of energy from major volcanoes and earthquakes, but at the subtle energies. In the UK the energy is way down in the extremely low frequency, very low frequency and radio frequency bands, rarely can it reach up into the microwave bands. Acoustic energy is transmitted and thus is heard by some (depending upon the frequency) as a groaning or crying, or musical tones, murmurs, the sound of breaking glass, a railway engine or a squadron of Lancaster bombers. Much depends on the type of rock or earth below the ground.

Samson stone, Crieff

"Logan" Stones Placed Above Highland Boundary Fault

Not only have both Samson Stones been placed on the most powerful fault in the United Kingdom, but the energy from the Crieff version has had its energy used in the building of the Quoigs chapel. You can see in the illustration how three roads from the chapel have been aligned . 

  Also another two paths from this chapel have been algned to sacred sites – two standing stones at Dunruchan hill, and a stone circle at Monzie Castle.

  Also shown is Comrie’s White church and burial ground. You can see the river running over the fault line from two standing stones, only one shown here.

 All the churches in this area have been carefully built with respect to the ley line system and Earth Energies from geological faults. 

Ley lines around Samson Stone, Crieff