How to Clear a Building of Unhealthy Earth Energies

Take an easily carved stone like sandstone, and with a heavy hammer and cold chisel carve a deep cup mark, then a ring around it to show that it is a special stone.

   Making a cup marked stone, like the one below, attracts unhealthy energies from ley lines, burial grounds, decaying matter, etc., and dumps them back into the planet where they belong.
    There are two ancient burial grounds in Perthshire where cup-marked stones have been placed at the entrance to graveyards shown below. It is very likely that all of these old graveyards had them, but have disappeared along with this knowledge. 

Another method is to take a house downpipe (metal), cut it into 1 metre lengths and insert them into the ground. One at each corner of the property preferably, but even one will help. This form of unhealthy energy is attracted to resonant cavities like cup marks and metal pipes. Even a cluster of old scaffold pipes will do.

Pipe to attract unhealthy energies
Once you have become proficient at finding ley lines (see “dowsing” page) you can now try to find earth energies which are related to many types of ill-health.
    To better understand this, look at the illustration this is an illustration of an underground stream, showing how, in this case, unhealthy or “black” natural energies radiating upwards from the stream, and also at 45 degrees on each side, forming three lines on the surface which contain spirals or vortices which radiate upwards through all the floors of a house or building.
    There is also a ley line (many waves of “overgrounds”, from right of this illustration) which focuses into the centre of the spirals, forming a powerful hot spot. 
     A black ley line will tune into a black spiral and a white ley will tune into a white spiral. The reason the stream is emitting unhealthy radiation is that the stream is polluted, or the rock/substrata above is of a type which alters the energies to unhealthy (e.g. clay), and if you do have your bed on one of these lines, or especially in the centre of a spiral, you could become seriously ill very quickly, depending upon your resistance to disease and some other factors.
    They can also cause paranormal phenomena, like apparitions, and people who believe they have been attacked by “invisible demons” or entities.
Cup marked stone to dump unhealthy energies back into the planet
Modern cup marked stone to clear unhealthy energiestone

A cup marked stone like this can attract unhealthy energies from various sources and dump them back into the planet. 

It can be used to eliminate “black energy” from graves and avoid them spreading from the graves to the surrounding popuation 

Standing stones such as this one below pick up spirals of energy from crossing underground streams or faults and emit overgrounds – many waves from their flat faces forming a wide stream of energy or ley line. Waves are generally about 2 metres wavelength and can be amplified by using sound.
  Our ancestors placed standing stones and circles above geological faults and fissures to pick up the many different types of energy they emit.
  These ley lines may travel up straight roads to churches and burial grounds.

Waves of energy from standing stone
House above a black stream

A rising column of energy from an underground source, like a polluted underground stream, may be the cause of various forms of ill-health or at least exacerbate it.

The ley from the standing stone above, if polluted, will be attracted into the centre of the black spiral in the house.
   Click on Youtube below for more information