Six disarticulated skeletons were buried in the rubble below the Abernethy Round Tower, one of two Irish Round Towers in Scotland, this one near Dundee.
  Dr. Callaghan from the USA believes that the doors were placed so high to allowed the base to be filled in with rubble to adjust the resonant frequency of the tower, rather like an organ pipe.
  He writes that they are powerful amplifiers in the alpha brain wave region 2 to 4 Hz which is the electrical anasthaesia region, 1000 to 3000Hz, and the electrical induction heating region 5000Hz to 1000Khz. “It is fascinating, ” he says, “that just above the surface of the ground, about 2 to 4 feet up, there is a null of atmospheric frequencies that get increasingly stronger until at 9 to 15 feet above the surface they are extremely strong in all the Irish Round Towers.
   He writes “The Irish monks were well aware of this, for that is where they placed their high doors. At every tower we measured there was a direct correlation between the lower door height and the strongest waves. That the highly amplified waves occur in the meditative and electrical anaesthesia portion of the electromagnetic spectrum is, of course, of the utmost importance.
Spiral of energy from a grave attracted into the resonant cavity of the Abernethy Round Tower
Spiral of energy from grave attracted into tower
Electric Breae, Scotland
Vehicles have to change down a gear to go to the right of this picture
The electric Brae, a so-caled gravity hill

There are four volcanic plugs aligned with this road which may cause this optical illusion. Notice especially the length of the road where this occurs is 300 yards, very close to the width of the volcanic plug of Edinburgh Castle at 306 yards.

  Using my divining rod I discovered that down the length of this road there is a form of ley line which is composed of individual waves of energy. The wavelength is noticeably reduced (more powerful) where the effect is noticeable.

  Oddly, the wavelength in the fields on either side is not affected — it is only on the road itself where the amplified energy can be found, and I have read that the effect was not noticeable before the road was metalled.

Not every person can see this – some people don’t notice the illusion.

There are a number of “gravity” or “magnetic roads” around the world. For a list, click here.

  And for magnetic roads in the U.K. here