Jean, from the USA (not her real name) left Moness, a holiday complex near Aberfeldy, a small town in Perthshire, Scotland, about 8 p.m. one Sunday night in June, 2021.
   She was posted missing later that evening. A police helicopter and rescue party consisting of gamekeepers and mountain rescue personnel searched the river and forest walks without success, probably looking with dismay at the 250 square miles of forest, much of it impassable, around the town.

aberfeldy forest

Radionics machine

I had just bought a Radionic Machine, and I used a pendulum to “tune” into her specific energy. I was a bit surprised when the pendulum swung slowly anti-clockwise, which made me presume that she had passed on.   

Radionics box

Using a 1¼ inch O.S. map and a small angle dowsing/divining rod (see page on dowsing) I plotted a vector from my home town of Crieff, about 17 miles away, to the entrance of Griffin forest, which stopped a short distance inside. Confidently, I went to the area and carrying my radionics machine, my longer angle rod and a picture of Jean as a “witness”, I found her trail at the entrance, and followed it back down the road to ensure that I was at least following one of the few people who had actually walked up the steep road and not parked their car at the entrance. 

   I then followed the trail back to the entrance and was amused to find that it led to a large boulder, where, I presumed, she would have sat for a rest, then on to a narrow gate which I had to squeeze through without using my divining rod – a mistake as I discovered later. After a hundred yards my angle rod turned in a circle seemingly indicating that I had arrived at my destination, but there was nothing there, just the wide path.   

  Puzzled, I looked around to discover that I was standing underneath some electric cables which had apparently blocked the energy.owsing or divining 

Culverts and Underground Water Tanks Attract This Energy

Pushing my way through, still following her trail, I carried on for some miles, then turned up a very narrow path which ended deep in the forest. Stumbling and sometimes crawling, wondering how a 61year-old woman could be able to walk in such difficult circumstances. Then back to the main path, again into the deep forest for several miles, eventually breaking out into the main path again, straight across the path and back into the forest on the other side. This was no person, I slowly began to realize, it was a deer I had been following after some twenty miles over the course of two months (deer have a similar amplitude to humans).
  Since I now had a picture of her leaving the complex at Moness I tried again, still using my radionics machine, walking back to the house she had left and followed her trail up the steep, narrow, road. The trail abruptly turned to the left over a crumbling drystone dyke, down a sheer drop and into the entrance of a concrete culvert which captured a small stream and then back to the road, warping the energy into a wide circle. 

  A further few yards further on it again changed to a wide circle, this time into two underground water tanks which had attracted the trail, then through an impassable barbed wire fence. About 2 miles further on, walking against the traffic the trail suddenly did a U turn, back down the road and through rough fields to Aberfeldy, again negotiating difficult barbed wire fences and crumbling dykes. Again I had picked up a trail from another person.
   I then tried the Internet to find anyone who could dowse for missing persons and got several replies, but sadly their plots (here shown in red) were nowhere near where her body was eventually discovered (in white).
   During my search I met a friend of Jean’s, a retired biochemist. She told me that she had come from the USA to find her friend and had no intention of returning until she had been found.

Missing woman, Aberfeldy

Above you can see the trail in red of one person who attempted to follow her path by map dowsing. The circle in white, lower left, was where she was eventually found.

Illustration of the energy people leave behind

Waves from people walking

Waves of Energy from Jean's Silk Scarf Compared to the Picture on Radionics Box

Jean’s friend gave me Mary’s beautiful silk scarf which I used as a witness, laying it in front of my O.S. map, but to my surprise I found that instead of one energy line from it there were thousands and they were from the length of the scarf!

Here you can see the energy from the picture placed top left of the Radionics machine — it is the same width as the picture. Still far too wide to be accurate on a map placed near it. 

 Turning the picture edge-on is so much better, there is only one line, the width of the paper (or perhaps even the emulsion).

jean's scarf

Lessons Learned

There were a number of lessons I had learned which may be of use to others who wish to try this fascinating part of the Craft:
  When a person walks from A to B, he or she leaves a trail the width of their bodies. It is actually a double wave, one negative and one positive and is the height and width of the body;
  It can take months, perhaps years, before it will eventually disappear.
  To lose track and follow another person’s energy instead is so easy:
  This energy can be attracted to a resonant cavity, like the concrete culvert, water storage tanks, and the quarry, before returning back to the road.

 Map dowsing is very difficult, although I strongly suspect that there are a few people who can do it accurately.