Here in Scotland I have been researching a rather different type of Rock Art – cup marks, saucer shaped depressions percussed into standing stones and rock fast boulders dotted all over the country. One particular boulder has over 60 cup marks on it, with two joined together.
  Using my newly acquired ability (1980) to use a divining rod to follow the energy emitted by this stone which has been placed above and takes its energy from the powerful Highland Boundary Fault I discovered that the marks corresponded to circuits of energy across country emitted from that stone.
   The pictograms I see so often in the U.S.A.and other countries do seem to have a common base – they have been pecked or percussed into the stone. When you hammer a stone it emits an energy the same shape as the stone (archaeologist Tom Lethbridge discovered that a long time ago- carving a statue gives it an aura the same shape as the statue, and pecking a petroglyph, into a rock wall, I presume, gives a pattern of energy the same shape.
   Another thing I discovered is that if you make a cup-mark on a boulder above a geological fault the energy will be transmitted down that fault and that is where our very clever ancestors built their little homesteads and sacred sites, using that energy to protect themselves from harmful energies from burial grounds.
 Illustration is of the energy from a cup-marked boulder across much of Perthshire, Scotland. The insert, top left is of the percussed cup mark. See here for link.
The energy fom a cup-marked boulder across Scotland.


I suspect that a similar occurrence happens with these – further down the fissure will be found energy fields the same shape as the pictograms. What did our ancestors do with them is the question? Years ago I experimented with lucid dreaming, trying to exteriorise my thoughts using creative visualisation. For any one who has had an out-of-the-body experience you will understand how you can leave your body and travel anywhere you want. It is even possible to construct a “thought form” an energy field of any shape you wish, like a pictogram, to do your bidding.

 It does look as if the drawings in some of the pictures were done by one person, probably a Shaman, to build a small army of thought forms to heal the sick and attack his enemies, perhaps in the same manner as the Terracota Warriors of Qin Shi Huanghdi and ancient Egyptian Pharaoes with their grave good as well as Nigerian Juju. In Celtic Scotland and Ireland it would be called a “familiar”; in Tibet a “tulpa”; This is one possible theory for these strange carvings and I suspect that it will only be resolved by a dowser willing to follow these on foot.
 Below is a picture of a rock at Ormaig, Argylleshire covered with cup marks, completely unworn after being covered with grass for several thousand years, showing that they were not really meant to be seen, but its energies were more important.
   Also, a few petroglyphs are very badly carved compared to others, showing that most of the carving was done by, perhaps one person.